Friday, November 21, 2014

When am I ever going to use this?!?! By Adam Poetzel.

When am I ever going to use this?!?! By Adam Poetzel. (15 youtube videos).

Part 1 Introduction

Part 2 Weightlifting

Part 3 College and Money Success

Part 4 Motivation behind question: Frustration

Part 5 The Wizard of OZ vs. Who's behind the curtain? (How does Google search word?)

Part 6 Tool in your toolbox: may not not why or when you'll use them but without them you may be limited in what you're going to do.

Part 7 Hmmm. humor break: sort of mocking the lack of originality in the question.

Part 8 We need math to answer questions about the world: example, analyzing carbon dioxide levels to determine age of things...graphs tell a story through math...Galileo...communication, representation, processing, problem solving,

Part 9 Seems to be ignoring the question...

Part 10 Proofs: training our brain to make valid and logical arguments...

Part 11 Not really an answer...

Part 12 Why learning anything? Does one learn only to use again? Math builds critical thinking skills. "A mind once stretched never returns to its original dimension. A. Einstein".
If your answer is we are teaching problem solving skills...are we really? Teach in a way that promotes critical thinking.

Part 13 Not a serious answer...

Part 14 We don't know what we're preparing kids for...the technology we use today is math based. We do not know whether you will use it, but you the algebra and math you learn are likely to be the building blocks developing technology. Math open doors...

Part 15 Opportunity...? Rigor, relevance, relationships...When relevance is lacking, how are we doing on relationships?

Is the way you're teaching math helping making it relevant?

Friday, July 5, 2013

Grade 8 Links:

Lesson 9-6: Analyzing Solutions to Quadratic Equations
We have learned that we can use the discriminant in the quadratic equation (the value of the radicand, the stuff under the radical symbol) to determine if there are 2, 1 or 0 real solutions for a quadratic equation set to 0.

Watch the Virtual Nerd skillfully explain how this works.

How to tell if a quadratic equation has no real solution
The Virtual Nerd presents! She uses the quadratic formula to find the solution of a quadratic equation. Step one: set the equation = 0. That is: solve for x when y = 0.

After you have watched the video, go to the online calculator and enter the same equation she solved so you can see its graph.

Properties of Powers
We have learned 7 properties that help us to simplify expressions that include power functions. To review these properties, visit with our pal the Virtual Nerd. She demonstrates each property with examples:

Product of Powers Property

Quotient of Powers Property

Power of a Power Property

Power of a Product Property

Power of a Quotient Property

Negative Exponent Property

Zero Exponent

Lesson 11-5: Solving Systems by Multiplication
This powerpoint presentation will help you review the step-by-step process for solving a system of equations using multiplication and addition to eliminate a variable. The link will open a powerpoint file. Once you open the file, choose to view it as a Slide Show.

Solving Systems of Equations by Multiplication (elimination).

Lesson 11-8: Super groovy online graphing calculator
This graphing calculator allows you to quickly graph equations, inequalities, systems of equations and systems of inequalities.

Try it with the examples from Lesson 11-8 and your homework problems, too.

Desmos Graphing Calculator.


Exploring the graphs of linear inequalities.
This web site offers the opportunity to explore the graphs of linear inequalities. Use the online directions to learn how to change the inequality symbol and change the coordinates to get positive, negative, zero and undefined slopes. You should notice when to shade above the line and when to shade below the line. You should notice when the line is solid and when the line is dashed.

Interactive Linear Inequality Activity.

Lesson 7-6: Equations for Lines Through Two Points
Our pal on the Virtual Nerd does a nice job explaining how to write an equation in slope-intercept form for a line through two points. She finds the slope using m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1). She then uses this slope and either point to find the y-intercept.

Virtual Nerd: writes an equation for a line through two points.

Using the Generic Rectangle to Factor Polynomials.
We have used the generic rectangle to factor polynomials of the form
ax^2 + bx + c where a is not equal to 1 (or 0).
NOTE: ax^2 means "a times x squared" and is written this way when it is not possible to write an exponent traditionally.
I have found 3 videos on youtube that use a VERY similar method, but they call it the "box" method. Each of these videos shows the steps needed to fully factor a trinomial. I recommend trying to factor the trinomials yourself and then watch the video to see how you did! I have ordered them in terms of difficulty. Click the links below to watch each video.

Algebra: Using FOIL and Area Model to multiply polynomials.
 On this web site, there is a PowerPoint that demonstrates the FOIL and Area Model for multiplying polynomials.

If you are interested, go to the web site and look for the link that says "Notes: Multiplying Polynomials (ppt)" (or click the link here).

It is a PowerPoint and you can download it or open it to view.

Pearson Algebra Online.

Algebra: Video about multiplying polynomials (Lesson 10-4).
Use this video to review the process for using the Extended Distributive Property to multiply polynomials.

Multiplying polynomials videos.

Algebra: Video explaining FOIL (Lesson 10-5)
Use this video to review how the mnemonic FOIL can help you multiply binomials.
FOIL Video.

Lesson 2-2: Reciprocals
From Lesson 2-2: What is a reciprocal and how to find the reciprocal of a number: Reciprocals

Algebra: How to graph the intersection of two inequalities.
How to graph the intersection of two inequalities
Algebra:  How to graph the union of two inequalities.
How to graph the union of an inequality.

Monday, August 8, 2011


YACOMR: Yet Another Collection of Online Math Resources. The purpose is to make available the resources that I have vetted and identified as useful, fun and otherwise valuable.

 Figurative numbers, finite differences and formulas from MATHGYM. Good for simply finding patterns or using tables to derive formulas.

Pythagorean Triples from Saltire.  Exploring when Pythagorean triples occur using Java. Would be good basis for Geometer's Sketchpad project.

 Cookie Sharing from The Mathman. Children discover infinite series.

Morse Code as Binary Tree. Includes audio options.

US Debt Clock. Oodles of real-time data about the financial condition of the US.

The Science of NFL Football from NSF. Vectors, parabolas, geometry, nutrition: videos with NFL Players demonstrate the math and science.

Henri Picciotto's Math Education Page. Comprehensive K-12 math topics mapped by grade or subject.

Distributing and Factoring Using Area from NCTM Illuminations.

Nets for 3D objects from WisWeb.

Math Doodling: Binary Trees from Vi Hart. Makes child play of Sierpinski's triangle, cellular automata and binary trees. She also has photos of food used to create geometric shapes (including Sierpinksi's triangle.)

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM). Great set of applets to explore area model algebra, base ten blocks, signed interget operations and more.

Cynthia Lanius Math Lessons. Recommended: Fractal Geomtery and Volume Functions.

Popcorn cylinder problem from Figure This! Challenges.

Egg Carton Fractions from Utah Education Network. Also, Fraction Concepts with Egg Cartons from Paul Griffith's  Math Models - using models to visualize math.

The Math Page: Self-paced and well-explained  lessons from arithmetic through algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus.

Gamequarium: home to Billy Bug and Banana Hunt - fun games to practice the coordinate grid and estimating angles.